Director Adult Social Care and Statutory DASS
As a qualified social worker Simon has worked in Social and Health Care for over 35 years in a variety of roles in London LAs, Health Services, the independent sector and more recently as Director in Essex County Council.
In some of these senior posts he has worked in joint integrated roles in health as a commissioner, in the independent sector providing support to all care groups both in operational services, provision and commissioning working in partnership at executive level.
Simon gained valuable experience at Director level in the independent sector nationally, managing residential, supported living services across all Local Authorities and health partners.
Simon has been for a number of years working with the East of England ADASS Networks Chairing the AD Network and Learning Disability / Autism Network. He is also supporting with national ADASS Policy Networks co-chairing the Social and Justice Policy Network and the Learning Disability / Autism Policy Network.
Simon is passionate about ensuring services are co-produced, involving people with lived experience and that equality, diversity and inclusion is at the forefront.