
* Featured: our contribution for Co-production Week 2024 *


In 2022-23 we committed to make our programme more participatory, building on our in work with TLAP in 2021-22, and starting with the development of a regional experts by experience group. This has now become our Regional Co-production Advisory Group

Video: what good co-production looks like

The full version of this video, made from the recording of the Co-production Advisory Group meeting on 9 May can be seen in our video gallery. We also made a video from a discussion, in the same meeting, about how members of the Group can get involved in WM-ADASS's peer review programme

Lived experience coaching for Adult Social Care leaders

WM-ADASS has been piloting a programme developed by National Voices in which ASC and health system leaders are coached by people who have lived experience of care and health services and have been specially trained as coaches by National Voices.

In the video, Rachel Matthews and Keymn Whervin of National Voices explain what the programme aims to achieve and Sarah Dillon (Director for Social Care, Telford & Wrekin Council) and Aideen Staunton (Acting Head of Service, Partnerships and Social Care Operations) Coventry City Council) describe what they have gained from the experience.

Transcript of video about lived experience coaching

Lived Experience, coproduction and innovation in housing

In September 2022, WM-ADASS ran a conference on social care and housing, in collaboration with the TSA and the Housing LIN.

There was a strong thread about co-production running through the day and some of this was captured in a short video based on interviews with conference participants. The video (and others from the event) can be accessed from the page about housing in the Improvement section of this website.

Towards Co-production

The video 'Towards Co-production', presented below (scroll down page), describes our approach and plans for 2022/23, discussed in a series of workshops at the ADASS Spring Seminar.

Transcript of video 'Towards Co-production

You can find out more about our approach to co-production, including best practice from across the West Midlands, in our video gallery (access from button on home page or use this direct link to the video gallery)