
Video: what good co-production looks like

The full version of this video, made from the recording of the Co-production Advisory Group meeting on 9 May 2023, can be seen in our video gallery.

The lived experience of caring

The West Midlands Carers Conference, organised by the Carers' Network, was held in Birmingham on 16 July. We have published a series of videos from the event on the Carers' Network page including 'I am a Carer', which focuses on the lived experience of caring.

Lived experience and social work practice reviews

Practice reviews are key part of the WM ADASS Peer Challenge process, a key part of the region's improvement programme. The Co-production Advisory Group has been working with the Practice Review team on how best to engage people with lived experience in this process. A video about how members of the Group can get involved in WM-ADASS's peer review programme is available from this link.

Lived experience, co-production and innovation in housing

In September 2022, WM-ADASS ran a conference on social care and housing, in collaboration with the TSA and the Housing LIN.

There was a strong thread about co-production running through the day and some of this was captured in a short video based on interviews with conference participants. The video (and others from the event) can be accessed from the page about housing in the Improvement section of this website.

WM-ADASS: the journey towards co-production

The video 'Towards Co-production', presented below (scroll down page), describes our approach and plans for 2022/23, building on our in work with TLAP in 2021-22, and discussed in a series of workshops at the ADASS Spring Seminar.

Transcript of video 'Towards Co-production