
The Carers Network is well-established and includes adult social carer leads from each of our 14 councils along with representation from health and voluntary sector partners.

Video transcript available.

It meets bi-monthly online to support the West Midlands Improvement Programme, providing information, improvement and best practice sharing for carer leads across the region.

The Network recognises family carers as a key part of building a sustainable care market and social care workforce and works to:

  • enable the successful implementation of national policy on health and care
  • support carers in building a resilient adult social care and NHS system supporting people to live active and purposeful lives
  • promote carers as part of the WM ADASS commitment to promote social justice and narrow the gap in health outcomes for those facing inequalities

The Network is sponsored by Peter Tomlin, Director of Adult Services, Stoke City Council, chaired by Gordon Strachan, Head of Business Systems and Improvement at Birmingham  City Council, and supported by Raj Chauhan, Carers Associate Lead, WM ADASS.