Principal Social Workers

WM-ADASS has a well-established Principal Social Worker Network that includes representatives from each of our 14 councils. It meets virtually bi-monthly to support the West Midlands Improvement Programme providing information, improvement and best practice sharing for activists across the region.

I got on the bus in one life and woke up in another

This exciting project, led by Grace Currie, a brain injury survivor and developing artist, was funded by Arts Council England and WMADASS during 2024.

Together we looked at whether art could teach social workers more about brain injury and whether using creative methods was something social workers could use in assessment and care planning. Key things we learned were:

1.    Visual art has the power to communicate emotions, desires, intentions when there is an attentive listener who is open to understanding the meaning behind the image.

2.     Methods of communication are diverse. Non-verbal methods are valuable when words are not available or not enough.

3.    Social work students would benefit from learning about diverse methods/non-verbal forms of communication during their training.

4.    Social workers are open to embracing new approaches to communication in conducting assessments and in interaction with clients.

Early in 2025 PSW Network will be hosting a webinar to share with you what we did, how we did it, what we learned and what you can take from it and apply in your everyday assessment situations. Watch this space for further details.

Meanwhile you can watch the video and access the project report.

Movement in Practice event recording

View the video recording from this event

Access the slides from this event

More about the PSW network

The Network aims to:

  • ensure an engaged and committed regional PSW to identify and respond to the challenges and changing social work landscape
  • strengthen the profile of social work, facilitate consistent approaches and address common challenges
  • better engage with front line practice and people with lived experience to grow and develop social work practice in the region

The Network is sponsored by Pete Fahy, Director of Adult Services, Coventry City Council, chaired by Andrew Errington, Principal Social Worker at Coventry City Council and Seanna Lassetter, Walsall Council, and supported by Mark Godfrey, WM ADASS.