Deprivation of Liberty Standards (DoLS) Form 3b (Renewal without capacity assessment)
Age, mental capacity, no refusals, best interests assessments and selection of representative (renewal without capacity assessment)
Age, mental capacity, no refusals, best interests assessments and selection of representative (renewal without capacity assessment)
Age, mental capacity, no refusals, best interests assessments and selection of representative (Report style BIA)
Age, mental capacity, no refusals, best interests assessments and selection of representative
Age, mental capacity, no refusals, best interests assessments and selection of representative
In this report for UKRI, the authors ask: how can new and emerging digital technologies advance, rather than put at risk, the human rights of older people who draw on social care?
This is a list of useful links posted in the 'chat' at the DoLS webinar on 19 October 2023